I'm working on a new site!

Now that I finished my Bachelor's of Science in Medical/Molecular Biology, I'm working on getting this thing running again. I'm also trying to get another website I had up and running again, and I thought I could combine both. If you check out HuMJah.com, you will hopefully start to find my content appearing there! For now, it'll be a little at a time, but I've set an hour each day aside for writing, and I've also made it easy for me to share interesting things when I find them, so let's see how this goes!

Is the 5 Second Rule True? And other cool videos...

Is The 5-Second Rule True? is just one of the many videos published by VSauce over at youtube. One of many science bloggers, Michael discusses a given topic from multiple angles in 10 minutes, following so many threads through that one topic. As a result, although the video is 10 minutes long, no one thread lasts more than about minute, allowing him to cover several different ideas all around that one topic in the given time. This one is answering 5 questions from viewers. Another of my favorites is this video, on water. Water is an astonishing molecule, essential to life, and it is because of water that I've opted to go into immunology. In this video, Michael discusses multiple different topics, all related to water, in honor of World Water Day.

While not all of VSauce's videos are science related, they are fascinating and entertaining, even when they aren't.

So what's a doi?

Straight from the wiki: A digital object identifier (DOI) is a character string (a "digital identifier") used to uniquely identify an object such as an electronic document.

It is similar to an ISBN, which serves to uniquely identify books, but uniquely identifies electronic documents. It must be purchased, registered, and maintained. Thus, any document with a DOI is more likely to come from a reputable source.

I use the metric system

I grew up in the US. The US has not yet standardized on the Metric, or SI, system. However, science, medicine, and most of the world has. As this blog is focused on science and medicine, you’ll find things in metric on the site. Also, many science classes in the US wind up having to teach metric conversion so that students can be more comfortable working in it because that’s what science uses. As a result, there will be metric conversion reviews available as well. Also, as a displaced short yankee, I’d like to point out that use of the metric system means that: My mass is 2 digits (not 3!), my height is 3 digits (not 2!) and the temperature outside is NEVER 3 digits! In other words, by using kilograms, centimeters, and Celsius, all those units that we, as Americans, have an intuitive feel are large, feel smaller to me. :P

Getting Started

There are a million reasons to start blogs and websites, and many of them are awful. When I was trying to decide what I wanted to do with this one, I wanted to avoid all the awful reasons and actually do something interesting and useful. That’s when I remembered how I wanted to create a review for Introduction to Microbiology classes, and the articles that I find and that are shared with me. I realized how useful it is to find resources on a single topic in a single place, and I thought that perhaps, this tumblr could be that. So, the hope is to build reviews on microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry, and similar topics that can be used by students to study for exams. The hope is to gather articles of interest from all over the world related to microbiology, biochemistry, and immunology. I may include some pharmocology, I may not. I’ll try to tag things by discipline to make them easier to find.

If you find something worth sharing, please email it to heathermicrobiologyjackson@gmail.com and put “blog” in the subject line. I’ll try to add things as often as possible.